
I currently supervise three PhD students: two at UiO and one at UniBi. One PhD student at UiO for whom I was the main supervisor has finished, one PhD at UniBi for whom I was the secondary supervisor has finished. I was a member of the PhD thesis evaluation committee of five PhD students at UniBi and one PhD student at UNIMIB. I was the main supervisor for 30 thesis projects: six Master theses at UniBi, two Master theses at UiO, four Master theses at KIT, ten Bachelor theses at UniBi, four Bachelor theses at KIT, and four Diploma theses at KIT.

UiO – University of Oslo, Norway
UniBi – Bielefeld University, Germany
UNIMIB – Università di Milano Bicocca, Italy
KIT – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

PhD Student Supervision

  1. Supervisor for Luca Cibinel, at University of Oslo, ongoing since August 2024. Project: ”Structure-generating models for transition metal complexes”. Joint supervision with Riccardo De Bin and Johan Pensar.
  2. Supervisor for Christoffer Lingjærde, at University of Oslo, ongoing since August 2024. Project: ”Multi-modal Data Integration for Personalized Treatment Recommendations”. Joint supervision with Riccardo De Bin, Valeria Vitelli, and Tero Aittokallio.
  3. Primary supervisor for Moritz Blum, at Bielefeld University, ongoing since February 2021. Project: ”Exploring Methodological Synergies between Link Prediction and Relation Extraction”. Joint supervision with Philipp Cimiano.
  4. Primary supervisor for Ole Magnus Holter, at University of Oslo, defended October 2024. Thesis: ”Semantic Parsing of Textual Requirements”. Joint supervision with Martin Giese and Lilja Øvrelid.
  5. Secondary supervisor for Mohammad Fazleh Elahi, at Bielefeld University, defended May 2024. Thesis: ”Multilingual Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs building on a Model of the Lexicon-ontology Interface”. Joint supervision with Philipp Cimiano.

PhD Student Evaluation Committee Member

  1. Lennart Ochel, at Bielefeld University, defended 2016. Project: ”Petri-Netz-basierte Simulation biologischer Prozesse mit OpenModelica”.
  2. Lukas Hindemith, at Bielefeld University, defended 2022. Thesis: ”Development of Transparency Mechanisms to shape Functional Mental Models for improved Human-Robot Interactions”.
  3. Lukas Pfannschmidt, at Bielefeld University, defended 2021. Thesis: ”Relevance Learning for Redundant Features”.
  4. Viktor Richter, at Bielefeld University, defended 2020. Thesis: ”Addressing in Smart Environments – An Investigation of Human Conversational Behaviours Towards Devices and Autonomous Agents in a Smart Environment”.
  5. Hendrik Buschmeier, at Bielefeld University, defended 2017. Thesis: ”Attentive Speaking – From listener feedback to interactive adaptation”.

PhD Student External Thesis Reviewer

  1. Marco Cremaschi, at Università di Milano Bicocca, defended 2020. Thesis: ”Enabling Tabular Data Understanding by Humans and Machines Through Semantic Interpretation”.