
So far I mainly gave lectures on semantic web technologies (12 times) and databases (4 times), but also on big data analytics and data integration. I mainly taught at Biele­feld University and Heidelberg University, but also at Mannheim Uni­versity of Science and Technology. Here I show an excerpt of my teaching activities.

Lectures at Bielefeld University
WS 2024/25
Introduction to Databases and Modelling
Lecture, no exercises. In German.
WS 2023/24
Introduction to Databases and Modelling
Lecture, no exercises. In German.
WS 2022/23
Introduction to Databases and Modelling
Lecture, no exercises. In German.
WS 2021/22
Introduction to Databases and Modelling
Lecture, no exercises. In German.
SS 2019
Data Integration
Lecture and exercises. In English.
SS 2019
Big Data Analytics
15/75 with Philipp Cimiano. In English.
SS 2018
Big Data Analytics
15/75 with Philipp Cimiano. In English.
SS 2017
Big Data Analytics (en)
15/75 with Philipp Cimiano. In English.
SS 2024
Introduction to the Semantic Web
25/75 (lecture and exercises) with Moritz Blum,
Meisam Booshehri, and Olivia Sanchez Graillet. In English.
SS 2023
Introduction to the Semantic Web
25/75 (lecture and exercises) with Moritz Blum,
Meisam Booshehri, and Philipp Cimiano. In English.
WS 2020/21
Introduction to the Semantic Web
Lecture and exercises. In English.
WS 2019/20
Introduction to the Semantic Web
Lecture and exercises. In English.
WS 2018/19
Introduction to the Semantic Web
50/50 (lecture and exercises) with Cord Wiljes. In English.
WS 2017/18
Introduction to the Semantic Web
50/50 (lecture and exercises) with Cord Wiljes. In English.
WS 2016/17
Introduction to the Semantic Web
50/50 (lecture and exercises) with Cord Wiljes. In English.
Lectures at Heidelberg University
WS 2023/24
Introduction to the Semantic Web
50/50 (lecture and exercises) with Mehwish Alam. In English.
WS 2022/23
Foundations of Linked Data
50/50 (lecture and exercises) with Maribel Acosta. In English.
WS 2021/22
Foundations of Linked Data
50/50 (lecture and exercises) with Maribel Acosta. In English.
SS 2021
Foundations of Linked Data
50/50 (lecture and exercises) with Maribel Acosta. In English.
Lectures at Mannheim University of Science and Technology
SS 2016Introduction to the Semantic Web
Lecture and exercises. In German.